
Sunday, April 17, 2011

God, Friends and SparkFIRE!

This is not the best poetry in the world, But per chance, someone will read it who may need it.

There I was,
Dancing so free,
Feeling so good,
Everyone smiling at me.
Here comes another,
Asking me to dance,
They whisper...
You look so good, You move so Fine,
I just had to take a chance.
I smiled and we danced...

Here I am,
That was just a dream,
Alone in bed with some Ice Cream,
Another Night,
Another Tear,
Another Pound,
I'm still here.
A lone heart beats,
No one to feel it,
Alone no reason to smile,
Why? No one will see it.

Isolated in fear,
A social outcast,
"Look how fat they are,"
I hear their words, i feel their stare,
No one should feel this unwanted,
No one should cry those tears,
No one should have the broken heart or the lonely years,

It feels the fire of hope has gone out,
Repeated failure,
The smile has left and life is just a dark mess,

If this is you,
You can smile again,
You can laugh, You can cry,
If you want to dance, Let no one ask why,
You can do it, Let the spark ignite your life,
Let it rage on and find your heart desire,
No reason to quit, No reason to give up,
You will Make it with God,  your Friends and the SparkFIRE!

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