Darkness Surrounds,
The evil blow has landed,
Sin takes it's toll,
A warrior has fallen,
The pain crushes his soul,
From above a voice calls...
He is reaching out!
Go help him!
Where did everyone go?
The fallen, broken, cries out...
Oh God, please help,
Evil surrounds me, Death binds me,
I feel all alone.
From Heaven with a tear...
Love Him!
You say you know and love me so,
But, where did you all go?
From darkness, voices feared,
We hid, we are afraid, what would the world say,
If they seen us help him home?
In deep sorrow, tears rolled down the eyes of love,
and Mercy spoke,
Let me Go,
Let me make a way,
To restore Your Hero,
A way to bring him Home.
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